(this is a closed league - please view Related Leagues)

San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Little League Senior Division (15-16 Yrs Old)  >   Misc League Info


If you have more than one child playing, please register all children in one session to receive the sibling discount(s). You'll have the ability to "register another player" at the end of the first registration.

$50 Discount for the second child
$75 Discount for each additional child


The refund amount is based on pro-rating league expenses (i.e. insurance, field costs, uniform orders, equipment, etc.) on behalf of all players leading up to and continuing throughout the season.

* Prior to the First Scheduled Practice of the Season for the Division - All fees refunded less online transaction fees (~6%).

* After the First Scheduled Practice of the Season for the Division Begins – No refunds allowed, except for an injury or move that would cause a child to miss more than half of the season's games.

There are no partial refunds due to inclement weather. The Board will adjust the season in order to provide the children with a full season.

Please ensure that you are registering with the correct Little League. The refund policy will apply even if you have signed up with our league in error.

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