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Polar Ice-Chandler  >   Intermediate A FALL 04/05  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
11/30/2004 OUTBACK Charlie Cote (55) FIGTHING 12/7/04
Due: $20
11/2/2004 TEAKWOODS Warren Ellis (88) FIGHTING 11/9/04
Due: $20
2/4/2005 OUTBACK Mike Goldberg (10) 40 penalty minutes 2/8/2005
Due: $20
11/1/2004 CHIEFS Kelley Lytle (15) Roughing Major 11/2/04
Due: $20
1/27/2005 TEAKWOODS Arnie Magnotta (93) 70+ penalty minutes : Balance of Fall 2004 season
11/2/2004 EMPIRE Charlie Nelen (91) Head Butting 11/9/04
Due: $20
11/30/2004 TEAKWOODS Terry Thompson (44) FIGHTING 12/7/04
Due: $20
11/2/2004 EMPIRE Keith Tully (29) FIGHTING INDEFINITE
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid