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Greenville County Rec  >   Adult B League Fall 16 Hockey  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
11/7/2016 Bar Down For What Matthew Connelly (6) Fighting/Leaving the Penalty Box 7 Games: 11/14; 11/21
11/7/2016 Bar Down For What Nicholas Stucker (8) Major/Game Misconduct 2 Games: 11/14; 11/21
11/7/2016 Porkers Stephen P Kovalcik (6) Conduct Detrimental to League Play 3 Games: 11/14; 11/28
11/7/2016 Porkers Chris Kovalcik Fighting 5 Games: 11/14; 11/28
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid