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Ice Station  >   2016 Spring/Summer -Adult - LEVEL 5  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
8/10/2016 HAWKS Ted Kelly pd($15 fine) (47) Major Crosscheck/Game Misconduct 8/17/2016: 1 Game
Due: $15
8/3/2016 SHARKS David Skorupski pd (14) Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct 8/10/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
6/29/2016 SHARKS Jeff Blair pd (27) Excessive PIM/Game Misconduct 7/6/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
6/29/2016 YETI Dave Holiday pd (29) Excessive PIM/Game Misconduct 7/6/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
6/8/2016 ICE WHOLES Jacob Sikich pd($15 Fine) (11) Excessive PIM/Game Misconduct 6/15/2016: 1 Game
Due: $15
6/1/2016 AEROS David Kelley(Team Pmt PD) pd (57) Excessive PIM/Game Misconduct 6/8/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
6/1/2016 AEROS Vincent D'Ambrosia pd (96) Face Mask/Game Misconduct 6/8/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
6/1/2016 YETI Kevin Carter pd (33) Fighting/Game Misconduct 6/8,6/15,6/22: 3 Games
Pd: $15
6/1/2016 EAGLES Nathan McDougle pd (11) Fighting/Game Misconduct 6/8,6/15,6/22: 3 Games
Pd: $15
5/11/2016 EAGLES Greg Gonzalez pd($320 due CC declined) (87) Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct 5/18/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
5/4/2016 HOCKEY PIGS Sean Backus pd (6) Unsportsmanlike Conduct/Game Misconduct 5/11/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
4/27/2016 HAWKS Raz Bodozian pd (33) 3rd Man in/Game Misconduct 5/4/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
4/27/2016 ICE WHOLES Shant Shahnazarian pd (17) Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct
5/4/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
4/27/2016 ICE WHOLES Jacob Sikich pd($15 Fine) (11) Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct 5/4/2016: 1 Game
Pd: $15
4/27/2016 HAWKS Adam Oliver pd (8) Head Contact/3rd Man In/Game Misconduct 5/4, 5/11: 2 Games
Pd: $15
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid