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Ice Station  >   2011 Spring/Summer NOVICE DIVISION  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
8/22/2011 EAGLES Kevin Carter pd(Suspended 1st game nxt season) (2) Fighting/Game Misconduct 1st game nxt season: 1st game nxt season
Due: $15
8/22/2011 SHARKS Dave Collins pd (11) Fighting/Game Misconduct 8/24/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
8/22/2011 AEROS Jaime Shadrick pd (5) Major Cross-Check/Game Misconduct 8/24/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
7/25/2011 AEROS Jason Williamson pd (47) Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct 8/1/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
6/20/2011 ICE WHOLES Andrew Batey($305 + $15 Fine) 2 Major Penalties in a Game/ Game Misconduct 8/1/2011: 1 Game
6/20/2011 ICE WHOLES Andrew Batey($305 + $15 Fine) Excessive PIM/Game Misconduct 8/8/2011: 1 Game
6/20/2011 ICE WHOLES Andrew Batey($305 + $15 Fine) Fighting/Game Misconduct 7/25/2011: 1 Game
6/20/2011 ICE WHOLES Andrew Batey($305 + $15 Fine) Match Penalty/Intent to Injure
Rule 603
6/27,7/11,7/18,7/20: 4 Games
Pd: $15
5/4/2011 EAGLES Kevin Carter pd(Suspended 1st game nxt season) (2) Fighting/Game Misconduct 5/9/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
5/2/2011 ICE WHOLES Andrew Batey($305 + $15 Fine) 3rd Man In/Game Misconduct 5/11/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid