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Ice Station  >   2010 Spring/Summer PEE WEE DIVISION  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
8/21/2010 STARS(Green Jerseys) Jason Horton(Suspended 1st Game Nxt Season) (14) A/buse of Official/Game Misconduct 1st game nxt season: 1st Game Nxt Season
Due: N/A
6/6/2010 BRUINS(Black Jerseys) Bryan Gowin (21) Major Kick/Game Misconduct 6/13/2010: 1 Game
Pd: N/A
5/16/2010 STARS(Green Jerseys) Jason Horton(Suspended 1st Game Nxt Season) (14) Major Leg Check/Intent to Injure/Match Penalty 5/16,5/23: 2 Games
Pd: N/A
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid