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Ice Station  >   2008-09 Fall/Winter MIDGET DIVISION  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
2/28/2009 MAPLE LEAFS(Blue jerseys) Travis Burns (87) Fighting/Game Misconduct 3/15/09: 1 Game
Pd: N/A
2/28/2009 HURRICANES(Red jerseys) Dakota Cigrang (00) Fighting/Game Misconduct 3/1/09: 1 Game
Pd: N/A
1/4/2009 MAPLE LEAFS(Blue jerseys) Dylan Shierts (3) Fighting/Game Misconduct 1/10/09: 1 Game
Pd: N/A
11/23/2008 COYOTES(Green jerseys) Alex Bledsoe (89) Unsportsmanlike/Game Misconduct 11/30/08: 1 Game
Pd: N/A