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Greenville County Rec  >   Adult D League - Winter 2023  >   Goalie Statistics

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Goalie Statistics
# Player Team GPMinSv%GAAShotsSaves
1 Michel Fournelle Chiefs 7 362 0.913 1.268 103 94
2 Garrett Foran Pylons 8 411 0.909 1.985 175 159
3 Nick Hubble Rangers 3 156 0.904 2.942 94 85
4 Nick Hubble The Dudes 9 461 0.895 1.991 171 153
5 joshua Mcwilliams Rangers 6 306 0.841 4.333 164 138
6 Nick Hubble Chiefs 2 102 0.818 4.000 44 36
7 11 - Mike Currivan Growler Haus 5 255 0.817 5.200 142 116
8 Sean Leggett Avenger Stars 8 381 0.813 5.220 209 170
9 James Rash RCS Grading 8 408 0.799 3.375 134 107
10 95 - Greg Baltyn Growler Haus 5 255 0.785 6.200 144 113
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