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C.S.H.A.  >   planet hockey 12-15 fall 03  >   Schedule

Schedule Filter

Date Time   Teams   Location
Fri 12/12/2003 7:30p   (Pla) jesters 2 at grim reapers 3 West Covina (west rink)
Sat 12/13/2003 1:00p   (Pla) grim reapers 2 at team x 9 West Covina (east rink)
1:00p   (Pla) the team that you are about to play 5 at wolfpack 4 West Covina (west rink)
Mon 12/15/2003 7:30p   (Pla) team x 4 at lucky rollers 5 West Covina (east rink)
7:30p   (Pla) the team that you are about to play 2 at devils 1 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 12/16/2003 6:00p   (Pla) the team that you are about to play 2 at lucky rollers 1 West Covina (west rink)