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(this is a closed league - please view Related Leagues)

Alpha Ice Complex  >   Warrendale Adult Hockey B League  >   Playoffs

Tournament Game Summary
Gm Home Away Location Date Time
#1 Stevie Wonders Steel City World Rink 1/17/2012 9:30p
#2 Team Becker Smiling Moose Galaxy Rink 1/17/2012 10:30p
#3 Stevie Wonders Team Becker World Rink 1/24/2012 10:50p

Tournament Brackets
Stevie Wonders 10 #1  ]  
Steel City 5
Team Becker 11 #2  ]  
Smiling Moose 7
Stevie Wonders 10 #3  ]  
Team Becker 5
Stevie Wonders