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BASH  >   BASH 2002 Summer  >   Playoffs

Tournament Game Summary
Gm Home Away Location Date Time
#1 Wattsamatta U Petersen's Powerhouse James Lick Arena 8/10/2002 10:00a
#2 The Jo-Hanson Brothaz NorthStars James Lick Arena 8/10/2002 12:00p
#3 Wattsamatta U The Jo-Hanson Brothaz James Lick Arena 8/10/2002 3:00p

Tournament Brackets
Wattsamatta U 10 #1  ]  
Petersen's Powerhouse 3
The Jo-Hanson Brothaz 11 #2  ]  
NorthStars 5
Wattsamatta U 3 #3  ]  
The Jo-Hanson Brothaz 6
The Jo-Hanson Brothaz