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Mario G
 1/30/2005 5:39:00 PM
I wanna start playin again after 6 month lay off...have played in c and b league games..........Just wanna get my chops back....e mail me if you need a solid back up when your goalie cant make it...
Steve Lyon
 2/2/2005 10:58:00 AM
D South team looking to add some solid, reliable players to our roster for the upcoming sessions.
 12/22/2004 7:41:00 AM
I'm looking to join on with any team who might need an additional player before the final roster freeze. I am currently playing in the draft league. Email me if interested.
 12/15/2004 10:29:00 PM
Anyone find my shoe in their bag? It went missing Tuesday night so if you find a black and red adidas and say this doesn't look anything like my shoe let me know.
 12/10/2004 6:50:00 AM
Goalie with 3+ years of experience at Neville looking to either join a team full time or fill in for someone. Please contact me if you are interested. 412-687-3275
 12/4/2004 9:37:00 AM
GOalie with 3+ years of adult roller at Neville Looking to join or fill in on a team. Recently played for the Snipers in D. If interested, please contact me.