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 1/18/2003 8:23:00 PM
Hey to all who played/coaches this season, i just wanted to say that it was a really awesome time and that i cant wait for next season to start!! thanks to everyone who made it great! :) Nicole
posted by
 1/8/2003 9:49:00 PM
Hey Wall Street Why Don't You Quit Being So Full Of Yourself,Get your Team A Win Before You Start Mouthing Off About Your Scoring Abilities
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Wall St.
 1/3/2003 8:49:00 PM
No scorers on the Penguins, huh? You could have at least given me some credit! I ve scored...well, thats not important...but I have scored. Seriously, I've read all your messages and I agree 100%!!! I could point out about a 100 different things that have been dissappointing about this season. The one thing, however, that is good about this's almost over!!!!!!!!
---Wall St.
posted by
 1/3/2003 2:14:00 PM
Your not complaining just cause it simply boosts your goalie stats. Not to be mean to the Penguins or anything, but they really dont have any scorers on their team to get any goal against you. You wouldn't be singing the same tune if u kept playing the Cains back to back now would u? I think not.
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Brandyn (OH NO!!!)
 12/29/2002 2:00:00 PM
OH NO..., YOU GOT ME NICOLE!!, YOU ARE SMART. Ya the schedule is pretty messed up but there is nothing we can do about it so thats why i told shaun to quit complaining couse it's not going to change the schedule, the season is almost over, we have only a couple of games left. So it's not going to matter how much you complain you are stuck with what you got.
Bob Smitherton
 12/28/2002 2:06:00 PM
It is really sad to see that the Express Midget A (16U) team needs to bring in a AA (or Junior?) ringer to try to beef up their team when playing against B level and In-house teams. Shame! Coach Dilbert are you so desperate to win that you will stoop to such a shameful practice? Surely it shows your lack of confidence in your team. What sort of values are you teaching your young men? Shame! GO VICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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 12/27/2002 11:49:00 PM
can i just add DUH here. "anonomus" is "Brandyn." with the same doesnt take a genius to figure out that although 2 names were put in, one person wrote them both. [not to insult Shauns intellegence...i think he was being sarcastic (?)]anyway, complaining, "anonomus", isnt affecting the playing of the game. the league should get it's act together..its stpuid that my team (thrashers in case you were unsure) should play the pengiuns all the time..competition, whether its inhouse, or travel is why a lot of us are playing different teams would give us that..and Shaun is right...for the amount of money we pay the league should be run a lot smoother than this. so, now that i put in my two cents, am i "@itching" too much??
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hockey parent
 12/22/2002 7:29:00 PM
hey Shaun, the Peguins don't play the Capitals for the same reason the Thrashers don't play the Hurricans. Because the schedule has been screwed up since the beginning of the season.
posted by
 12/24/2002 4:50:00 PM
Why u gotta be so secretive? Be a man and step up to the plate. And I am simply pointing out the flaws here. Ya...its inhouse...but its still $$$ in the end. We spent money to play...we should get our moneys worth. Kinda curious to kno who you are tho....?
posted by
 12/23/2002 11:04:00 AM
Hey shaun why don't you quit your @itchen and play the game. Who cares who you play, it's just inhouse. We don't get anything special, just a little trophy that ist and second place get.
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Still Shaun
 12/21/2002 3:23:00 PM
...why dont the Capitols EVER play the Penguins? Caps bounce back and forth between the other 2 teams...whats up with this? HOW MANY MORE CAN I POINT OUT?!?!? Its like the Neverending Story here with problems. Heh...getting funny now. Who makes these schedules? Kinda curious. He/She needs to get the crap together pronto.
posted by
 12/18/2002 11:18:00 PM
Hey Pat its Jason. I finally figured out how to get to this place. It is pretty cool, they give all sorts of statistics and such. Thanks for helping me find it! Later
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