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 8/11/2008 3:15:00 PM
Congrats Dixies! Sounds like that was an awesome game!. Wished I could have made it up there to watch it least it was a close game. That's the kind of games that make hockey a great sport. Congrats to you too Flyers, what a push to the finish! Being the only team to deal out a loss to the Garb had to feel like winning the championship anyway.

Get ready fellas, Winter session starts up soon so get signed up early as the deadline is the 30th (I think).

See you all on the ice.

posted by
Al Lardeo
 8/10/2008 9:10:00 PM
A big redneck YAHOOOOO.......To Dixie's Tavern in the 4-3 finale .

Way to go Boys !!!!!!

Flyer's .......You had a helluva run ! I knew you were a tough team , and was not surprised at all that you would go to the finals .

And , your team played awesome in the finals . I really thought you had Dixie's Tavern as the 3rd period was winding down .

Dixie's .....Fabulous finish to the game . Chosing to pour it on heavy after the Flyers took a mid 3rd period lead payed huge dividends .

The outcome could have went either way .

I hope everyone from ALL teams had fun this season , and I hope you continue playing in the fall .

Let's support hockey . It's truely the greatest sport ever .

See you at the rink !
posted by
Al Lardeo
 8/9/2008 9:56:00 PM
Why does The Bruins winning the cup and hell freezing over have so much in common ?

I have an idea .

How about The Bruins rent the ice . Invite The Thrashers to play against them . And , pretend your both in the finals .

Maybe you could pay a few homeless people to actually show up and watch the event .
posted by
Al Lardeo
 8/9/2008 9:57:00 PM
Why does The Bruins winning the cup and hell freezing over have so much in common ?

I have an idea .

How about The Bruins rent the ice . Invite The Thrashers to play against them . And , pretend your both in the finals .

Maybe you could pay a few homeless people to actually show up and watch the event .
posted by
 8/8/2008 12:06:00 PM
Glad you cleared that up Al...I've even heard LARD-e-O...Hmmm, maybe that was me...but anyway thanks! Also, thanks for filling in with the Bruins when we needed you(who, by the way, will be back next session with a vengence for the cup...AGAIN!) ;)

Good luck Flyers and...uhhh who else was playing? Oh well, good luck anyway.

Also, just as a side's getting kinda chippy out there in the old D league...a cage might be a good investment! Mine is on the way. :P
posted by
Al Lardeo
 8/7/2008 10:00:00 PM
Hey Guys ,

If any of you guys are renting the ice over the break ..........

I would love to play goalie .

Give me a call .

Al Lardeo 828-890-1109 leave message

I live by the Asheville Airport .

I can't handle being away from the rink . Plus , I have no life .

This can be your chance to figure out all my weeknessess .

By the way , my last name is pronounced LAR-DEE-OH

Just thought I'd clear that up , as I have heard LOW-RAY-DOE several times .

I hope to see you at the rink soon .
posted by
Tim B
 8/7/2008 4:12:00 AM
Unfortunately, the jokester isnt coming. He is home playing golf. :) Here's one for you. How do you make a handkerchief dance?.........
Put a little boogie in it!!!!!
posted by
John Chesare
 8/6/2008 10:56:00 AM
The Monks, with only 6.5 players (after having a player ejected), played old-time, hard-nosed hockey against the pesky Flyers. There were times that the momentum could have swung to the favor of the Monks but with stellar defensive play from Don DiComo, Brian Dona, Roman Roh and John Chesare along with an outstanding performance by goaltender Nick Messer the Flyers were able to hold off the Monks for a 3-1 win.

The table is set…Flyers vs Dixies Tavern for D League supremacy! Should be an excellent match up!

I would, however, like to take this opportunity to send a shout out to Tim "The Jokester" Barrett and offer a quote he used, during the game, while he was chasing me with the puck..."here comes The Jokester!" You heard it here first folks...The Jokester is coming! ;^)

posted by
 8/4/2008 6:42:00 AM
Al, why all the hate for the Garb? Your 0-5 record against them?

Ceezhead, nice game! Let's see you guys win it now, no choking!
posted by
John Chesare
 8/4/2008 5:30:00 AM
Coming off of our upset victory over the Garb we are now focused on a game plan to beat the Monks. We have reserved ice very late tonight (11:30pm) and at lunchtime tomorrow for a couple of closed practices to develop some new schemes as to defend the potent offense of the Monks. We will be focusing on forechecking, clogging the neutral zone and attacking anyone with the puck that tries to enter our zone. We will also be focusing on keeping the front of our net clear so our goaltender will have every opportunity to stop the puck. Detail, detials!

Ya know, before the playoffs started, I told the guys that we had to take it one game at a time and, good Lord willing, things will work out. I also told them that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and some times it rains...think about that for a while.


PS For the record, and anyone who knows me, everything I post out here is all in good fun.
posted by
Al (the goalie) Lardeo
 8/3/2008 9:12:00 PM

Remember that song that goes .....

NA , NA , NA , NA ....

NA , NA , NA , NA .......

HEY , HEY , HEY .....


You usually here it near the end of the game . Especially at the Montreal Canadian's home games .

Well , for some reason that song has been playing in my mind all night long .

It started when the Flyer's scored that overtime winner against The Garb .

Way to go Flyer's .

Now the playoffs get interesting .

See you at the rink , boys !
posted by
Tim B
 8/2/2008 7:44:00 PM
Quick correction. Seeing how closely I follow and how serious this is to me, I apologize for saying lets go get garb! If I had it right and knew my stuff, Johnny Chez man big poppa plays for the flyers.
For Immediate Release:

Lets Go Flyers!
Now please, will everyone let me enjoy my second of D league posting fame. Thanks. tim B the joke wizard
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