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Pranav Shah
 3/13/2007 9:09:00 PM
D level goalie looking for another night of
hockey in the C level starting next season.

posted by
Dan Vickers
 1/29/2007 4:20:00 PM
Goalie available Sun. nights on short notice.
posted by
Jonathan Drillings
 10/27/2006 2:23:00 PM
Defenseman - Just moved into town from NYC and looking to play some hockey. Decent player - competitive in D4 out of 8 in NYC. Looks like I missed the beginning of the season, so I'm happy to be a fill-in until next season. Please contact me at the e-mail below.
posted by
 10/18/2006 6:29:00 PM
Jeez, Denny...

Did someone spike your doughnuts with speed? LSD?
Watch out for that random testing...

posted by
 10/16/2006 1:09:00 AM

Thanks for the eloquent and articulate response. I will assume, for the sake of argument, that you are a player and not the team publicist.

Hmmmmmmm. Okay. Sounds believable enough. It's just that in my business there is no such thing as coincidence. And you must admit, by your own account, that you have had an amazing streak of good luck. I'm almost afraid to ask what happened to your opponent this week....Spinach? Bird flu? Team IRS audit?

Well, your Icehounds are our next opponent. Oh and just so you know, OUR goalie has been sequestered into the witness protection program and he will definitely make the game.... so no bad luck in THAT department.

You friend in hockey,


p.s. Regarding penalties: It's always a hoot to see the Dragons get fifteen penalties or so in one game and no one (outside of the Dragons) would dream of complaining about their misfortune. But things do seem like they have gotten out of hand. We lost tonight to the MTBEs in overtime short-handed as we were called for "too many men" when the guy coming off the ice collided with the guy jumping over the boards on to the ice.....away from the play. Now this would be funny if it had happened to the Dragons or....the Panteras... but hey!!

Still, credit the MTBEs for playing a great game and getting the job done on the power play. Despite the calls, they were the better team goalie too.
posted by
Freddy Kerrest
 10/15/2006 10:03:00 PM
Denny et all -

Thanks for your posts re: the Icehounds. Please have a look at our roster and game sheets, you will note that

a. this is almost the exact same roster that we had a few seasons back. due to some unfortunate circumstances, our team fell apart and we merely made some efforts to put it back together this season.

b.there are no "ringers" but only legit C players who have been in this league for many seasons.

c. in game 2 v the Chieftains they unfortunately didn't have a goalie and we "shared" our goalie with them.

d. in game 3 v TBH they were unfortunately excessively penalized and we scored a bunch of goals on 5-on-3s against what seemed to be not their regular goalie.

Look forward to seeing you on the ice.

Freddy Kerrest
posted by
 10/12/2006 10:49:00 PM
Oh yeah? Well leave my rejoinder post out of this pal. That's strictly between me and my wife.

And anyway, Lavender Boy, my reason for posting wasn't soley to trade barbs with you (although I find it insightful that you write more like a figure skater than a hockey player).

Actually, Scott, old buddy and former team-mate who now plays for the hated Dragons, I was actually hoping to hear from some team who was recently abused like a firehydrant by the Icemutts to try to ascertain why they have scored twenty-nine goals in their last three games.

Alas, as I am sure you are aware, most people don't know that this message board is up yet. Intel is slow arrriving. All I get is....YOU!!! So some poor guy like Bruce who innocently walks into this chat room looking for assistance is probably skating in Oakland right now....thanks to you!!! He's probably thinking that our league is filled with lunatics (wait till he gets a load of Woz) and thinks that as far as you and I are concerned that we should just get a room and get it over with. Well wishfull thinking pal. Keep your rejoiner post in your own locker room buddy.

Oh and I'd like to share with you some mono-syllabic words you probably hear every game:

"Hey Scott, why don't you pass the puck once in a while you Dik Dik" ( Note to the league; the Dik Dik is a bird found in subtropical Africa who fequently can be seen atop any rhinocerous and, as such, not an expression of contempt and therefore not unsuitable for a family message board such as this.)

So listen pal, after the Icemutts use you like a fire hydrant you'll be begging me for insight on why you are a minus 45 after just four games and begging us to take you back (Actually, our team masuess could use a towel boy).

Your friend in hockey,

posted by
 10/12/2006 9:00:00 PM
You realize that you rejoinder post can easily be reduced to an rather infantile bleat of "I know you are, but what am I..." While I hadn't really expected anything remotely resembling coherence from you, please, at least try not to confirm my suspicions so readily the next time.

Try not to chew on the carpet...
posted by
 10/12/2006 11:36:00 AM
Yeah? Sez you!

Oh, and there is a rumour afloat that lavender scented imported French soaps were found in your guy's locker room after the last game.

And, if i know my Dragons, you'll be talking hockey after you place the Icemutts.

Lavender...... jeez.

posted by
 10/11/2006 10:59:00 PM
Dude, I guess you must think that you're funny, amusing, droll, risible even, with that rambling commentary you just posted? And yes, there’s a couple of new words you can look up. I mean opposable thumbs must be new and all, but try to walk without dragging your knuckles on the ground.

Given that your normal mode of communication is monosyllabic grunting noises, I wouldn't worry too much about the proper spelling of comeuppance (advanced vocabulary is clearly beyond you), but do try to come to a vaguely recognizable point when you post something for others to read. - complete a whole sentence even. I know it's a lot to ask, but do try…

Much Love. Break a leg. Whatever.
posted by
 10/11/2006 3:17:00 PM
Sure Bruce, love to have you in the league, welcome, yada yada yada. Say, I have an idea! Why don't you contact the Icehounds! Looks like they need at least ONE "C" player on their roster.

Oh don't start with me, Icemutts. Twenty-nine goals in THREE games and you don't think anyone is going to give you a jab? So don't get your garters in a knot. What's the secret? Balco sponsoring the team this year? Ringers? (Although if ringers were the case, we'd have already heard screaming and howling from outraged Dragons...used to be the best
"ringer-detectors" in the league.) Or was it the Barbara Streisand motivational tapes?

Oh, and before I forget...Fellas, I asked that this message board be reinstated so let's not blow it again. For example, if, during the game, Wozniac slashes you in the "nether regions" (just an example, right?) go ahead and call him a "poopy-face" on the ice and not something worse on this message board. This can be very informative and entertaining at the same time. But be careful. I'm not saying you shouldn't give Wozniac his commuppance on this message board, but keep it cerebral and pithy, yes? (No, i will not take the time to look-up the spelling of cummuppance as I am sure none of you except Scott Pokanin will take the time to look-up its meaning.) Oh yeah, Scott of the Dragons, I hate you and everything.

Finally, I WAS going to send sympathy to the Panters (even though we hate them and everything)as they are 0-3 figuing Paul Trapani must not be playing (even though we hate him and everything) and we would miss thier pain-in-the-butt style of play but I see by the four goals Trapani scored in the last game he is back to work. Good for them (even though we hate them and everything) Ooops. Hope the Icemutts don't read this as they will try to sign him away from the they need the scoring punch.

And what's with the MTBE's? These guys came into the league last year as a "D" team that moved up and their first game last year they waxed us a good'un. What's worse they chalked it up to good "team play" and "organization" and "playing a system" (gag).

So, my work here is done. Any intel on the Icemutts would be appreciated. Chat amongst yourselves. I need to take a nap.
posted by
 9/29/2006 4:24:00 PM

I am interested in signing up for this winter season for hockey. I've been playing in the PHA down in San Mateo for the past few years but live in sf. The team I am on now oscillates between the C and C+ conference down in San Mateo in the PHA.

If you need a canadian transplant on your team give me a call: 415 596 8924
posted by