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Ashburn Girls Softball League  >   14U AGSL Spring 2005 Girls Softball  >   Misc League Info

Coaches Clinic

Please plan on attending the 2005 ASA ACE Coaching Certification clinic. The clinic will be held March 9th, 7:00PM at Ashburn Elementary in the cafeteria.

The ACE (Achieve, Certify, Educate) Coaching Certification Program is a certification program, developed and designed to provide softball coaches of all levels – from beginning coaches to experienced veterans – an opportunity to certify as a coach with a national softball organization.

As the National Governing Body of Softball, it is the ASA’s responsibility to ensure that our coaches achieve a certain level of understanding of what their duties are as coach of a youth softball team. The ACE Certification video and the ACE Certification Manual are practical guides to the everyday situations you will encounter as a youth softball coach. After obtaining your ACE certification, you will be well prepared to coach a youth softball team.

A-chieve: A certain level of knowledge.
C-ertify: To confirm that a coach has obtained a level of understanding over that which he/she has been tested on.
E-ducate: To assist with the gathering of knowledge and information.

Certifying as an ACE Coach is a simple, straightforward process. When you attend this clinic you will watch the ACE Certification video and sign a “Code of Ethics” pledge. The video covers such topics as Principles of Coaching, Legal Issues in Sports, First Aid, Practice Organization, Coach/Umpire Relations, and Sport Specific Skills. You will then be tested on the material covered in the video. Once you have passed the ACE Certification test and signed the “Code of Ethics” pledge you are an ACE Certified Coach. It is that easy.

Benefits of ACE membership:
• Take-home copy of ACE Coaching Certification manual
• $5,000,000 liability insurance policy (only if coaching an ASA-registered team)
• Personalized membership card as an ASA/USA Softball ACE Coach
• ACE Coach Certificate
• ACE Coach Clipboard/eraserboard
• Discount coupons on ASA merchandise and training videotapes

For those coaches that are renewing their certifications from last year please complete the attached 2nd Year ACE Certification Test, as well as the ACE Code of Ethics and bring them, to the clinic on March 9th. There is no requirement for 2nd year coaches to participate in the clinic but I would recommend that you consider staying for a refresher course.

AGSL would like to get as many coaches involved in the clinic as possible and will cover the clinic fees for all head coaches and up to two assistant coaches per team. All you need to do is sign-in with me prior to the clinic and your fees will be paid.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Keith Kramer


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