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San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Little League Senior Premier Div (15-16 Yr)  >   Misc League Info

Manager and Coach Agreement
I agree to make every effort to fulfill the following Manager and Coach expectations:
a) Have an understanding, patience and the capacity to work with young people, and reflect an understanding of the age group being supervised.
b) Realize I am helping to shape the physical, mental and emotional development of young people and are a role model to those with whom you work with.
c) Lead by example and show respect for the judgment and the position of authority held by umpires. Instill in my players a respect for the authority of adult leaders in the league.
d) Provide an opportunity for each youngster to participate.
e) Encourage players at every opportunity. Encourage players to show acceptable behavior whether the team wins or loses.
f) Know all SRALL and Little League Baseball playing rules and regulations and be able to interpret them correctly.
g) Show a willingness to play by the rules and adhere to their intent, instilling in the players a respect for the game.
h) Be responsible for the collection and return of all equipment, uniforms, etc.
i) Attend Umpiring Clinics and be willing to umpire games for the league
j) Attend Managing/Coaching Clinics as requested
k) Attend Rules Clinics as requested
l) Attend League meetings and sponsored clinics as requested
m) Be the liaison between the league and team and as such be willing to support the volunteer, social and fundraising efforts expected.

If it is found that I am not following the goals outlined above, I understand that at the request of the Board of Directors of San Ramon American Little League that I may be relieved of my duties. I further understand there will be a “ZERO TOLERANCE” policy regarding the following:
1. Harassment of opposing players, managers, coaches during a game. This includes the parents of players on your team.
2. Arguing with umpires or any form of un-sportsmanlike conduct. Any coach ejected in more than one game will immediately be relieved of his or her position.
3. Use of profanity

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