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San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Little League Junior 90 Div (13-14 Yrs Old)  >   Misc League Info

Manager and Coach Selection Process
All Manager and Coach candidates (new and returning) may volunteer by signing up during player registration each year. Managing and coaching a team represents a substantial commitment and responsibility. The role offers parents an opportunity to have a significant and long lasting impact on a child's development. Accordingly, the selection process is one of the Board's most serious responsibilities. Contrary to popular belief, managing in the previous season does not guarantee that a candidate will be chosen again. In addition, Board members receive no special consideration if they apply. Certain Board positions (e.g., President, Player Agent, Chief Umpire) are prohibited from managing a team by Little League Baseball rules. Most importantly, everyone who applies truly has an equal chance of being selected. The Manager Selection Committee, consisting of 2 or 3 of the following: Executive Vice President, Player Agent and the Director of that Division, interviews all candidates. Selections are made very carefully with an emphasis on parent evaluations from the previous season, previous experience in working with children, the candidate's responses given during their interview process and a candidate’s prior conduct on the field. A candidate's previous record of winning or losing is not a factor. Upon completion of the interview, the Manager Selection Committee, chaired by the Division Director provides the President his or her recommendation for Manager candidates. The President has the choice of forwarding this list to the Board of Directors for approval or making changes to the recommendation via Little League Regulation 1(b). The final recommendations are sent to the Board of Directors for final approval. If a majority does not approve any candidate, the Manager Selection Committee forwards another candidate to the President and the voting process by the Board occurs again, until all candidates receive the necessary majority approval. Managers are allowed to select their own Coach of Records. All Coach of Record’s are also to be approved by the Board of Directors, based on the criteria outlined above.

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