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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Royals 5 at Rangers 3
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Scheduled 3/20/2004 3:30p Royals
Location Chabot Rangers
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Steve Depetris
Base Ump 1: Fred Pillon
Game Summary A converted catcher, the Royals’ Joe M has emerged as a pitching ace this season, boosting his team with an impressive complete-game win over the Rangers. After falling behind 3-0, the Royals mounted a rally in the fourth when William C drew a walk, followed by consecutive singles by John S-B and Ryan M. Joe M helped his own cause with a double in the same inning, and Royal John V was 2-for-2 in the game. Ranger Nick C gave up only one hit and 3 walks in 6 innings, but the usually stingy Ranger defense faltered in their first loss of the season. Ryan T's single and triple and Mike M's single and double led the Rangers' 6-hit attack.