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NOLL/SOLL  >   2007 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mariners 12 at Angels 15
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/3/2007 12:00p Mariners
Location Willard MS Angels
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Paul McArdle
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Angels Notes:
In a marathon 7 inning contest, the Angels bats came alive and they scored just enough to hold off a game Mariners squad. Starter Ian B. went 3 plus innings, Eli B. took the mound for 96 pitches in 3 2/3 innings and Luke B. got the third out in the top of the 7th to earn the save. Though the Angels defense was still not back to mid season form, the offense warmed up after leaving the 1st inning down 1-0. They scored 2 in the 2nd, 4 in the 3rd, 3 in the 4th, 1 in the 5th, and 5 in the 6th to secure the victory. All the Angels’ runs were needed as the Mariners came back with 6 of their own in the top of the 6th to temporarily take the lead 12-10. Jeff D. started the winning rally in the bottom of the 6th with a leadoff double, and was followed by consecutive hits from Sam Z.-P., Eli B., and Vince B.; then Galen E. was hit by a pitch and David P. followed with a bases clearing double to finish the scoring. Other offensive highlights included Garrett S. getting his first Juniors base hit, and game long contributions from Eli B. (2-4, 2 RBI and a run); Vince B. (2-3, with 2 RBI and a run); David P. (3-4, a double, 3 RBI and 2 runs); Ian B. (2-5, 3 RBI and 2 runs); and Sam Z.P. (2-3, with an RBI and a run).

Mariners Notes:
The last regular season game for the Mariners had them facing the second-place Angels. Although they were missing their star player, the Angels still brought plenty to the table. Christian C. took the mound and held the Angels to two runs in the first two innings, aided by some nice fielding by Scott S. at second base. The Mariners matched them as Greg H. started the game with a base hit, stole a pair of bases, and then came home on a Zach B. hit. In the second inning, Jesse W. flared a single to right center, stole second, and then scored on a John B. hit. However, we couldn’t contain the Angels in the third as they struck for four and were poised for more. However, Trey K.’s first pitching appearance of the season prompted a force out to the first full batter he faced. That allowed a smooth transition to Zachary B. to take over pitching duties, and helped stop the bleeding. But, could the Mariners bounce back against solid Angels pitching? The answer came in the fourth inning as Christian singled sharply to right to start it off. After walks to Alex L. and Nate M., John B. also worked a walk to force in Christian. Then, the mighty Dylan S. extended his arms on one that blasted high off the left field fence, a double that drove in two. Then, with John B. on third studying the pitcher, he took off on a 2 and 1 count and just slid under the tag to steal home to tie the game at six all. However, it didn’t last long as the Angels struck for three in their bottom half, and added another in the bottom of the fifth to make it 10 to 6. But just when the halos were about to lock the pearly gates on the Mariners, the M’s pitchforks came out in the top of the sixth as John B. led off with a deep triple to the left-center gap. After Scott S. earned himself a walk, Sam F. bunted himself a single. Xhjyl then hit a clutch single to drive in one. Nate M. followed with a shot up the middle for another. Alex L. walked in the next RBI, and then Zach B. flared one to right for a couple more. Before you knew it, the flurry of Mariners’ offense had pushed ahead to a 12 to 10 lead. Now the saga shifted to whether or not the Mariners’ pitching and defense could contain the Angels? With some hits and a couple of misplayed balls, the Angels tied the game quickly in the bottom of the sixth and were ready to break it open. Alex L. came in as relief and side-armed his way to close out the inning, but not before the Angels racked up three more. Although the Mariners had made plenty of noise in late innings lately, we went down quickly this time to end the regular season in melodramatic fashion. Still, it was a fun season given the positive attitudes of every Mariner, and how much they’ve improved. Now, the second season begins anew via the playoffs on Friday, and our win-loss record disappears into the Sunset. The final question is which Mariners will show up? Come to Bushrod at 5 pm if you want to find out....