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Pyramid Sports Leagues  >   Wi' 03 Monday Men's Lawyers BBall League  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Bingham McCutchen 42 at Law Offices of Ronald P. Schneider 44
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Scheduled 1/27/2003 8:30p Bingham McCutchen
Location Booker T Washington Law Offices of Ronald P. Schneider
Game Type Normal
Game Summary This one was a barnburner! It had it all for the inaugural night all rolled into one. Technical fouls, an ejection and a nice turnaround j with :05 seconds left which sealed it for Ron and the guys. Zach did have a 3 pointer for Bingham as time expired however it fell short and Ron's guys got the victory. Rest assured both of these teams are rock solid and should be competing for the title come playoff time. Such a close game throughout with a 21-21 tie at halftime and neither team gaining a substantial lead all night!