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Fauquier County Roller Hockey League  >   Bantam (13U) Spring 08 - 1994, 95 and 96  >   Team Info

Predators (7-6-0)
Predators Roster
# Player Notes
1 Abrahams, Adam  
17 Aud, Kevin  
10 Frank, Anthony  
4 Helou, Justin  
2 Lipscomb, Alec  
8 Rankin, Evan  
7 Rathbone, Chase  
9 Wolfe, Eric  
0 Wunderlich, Mark  
3 Yost, Caleb  

Team Contact Information
Sorry, Coach's Info not released for previous seasons

Predators Spring '08
Last Updated: 5/15/2008
Dateline: May 15, 2008

Predators Primed for Playoffs! Yep, that's the first article on my sports page! I showed up last night and saw two great games, the first between the Red Wings and Bullies which went to a shootout with the Red Wings getting the win in a 2-2 game. The Bullies looked impressive and gave the Red Wings all they could handle. Then came the Predators' game and for two periods, it was a nail-biter at 4-4. It seemed like the Predators woke up and turned it on in the 3rd period and seemed to cruise a bit toward the end. When five different players score at least one goal, you know the team is clicking on all cylinders. Coach Wolfe didn't seem satisfied with their performance and immediately brought the team back on the rink for a quick 15 minute practice. The playoffs are here folks! I can't remember a tighter 13u division at the end of any season. Although the standings show some separation between the teams, they are all playing very good hockey entering the playoffs.

Ok, soapbox time. Disclaimer: the opinions of PuckHead are not the opinions of FCRHL or its coaches and referees.

For the longest time, the most important goal of FCRHL was to make sure all players had fun. If the players aren't having fun, they aren't going to come back and they aren't going to improve as hockey players. Pretty obvious right? Well, one thing has been assumed over the years and that has been Sportsmanship. Two teams can compete on the rink and give everything they have for their team but once the final whistle blows, hockey is one of the few sports where you see those very same players line up and shake hands after the game. Last night I saw some clear disrespect given to players during that handshaking and I saw the same disrespect given to Coach Wolfe. That isn't what the sport is about and I'm sure that isn't what FCRHL wants to see its players doing. Let's hope we don't see the same attitudes in the playoffs, it would be a sad thing to see, for sure.

See you at the rink! It's playoff time!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Dateline: May 5, 2008

Holy schmolly, what a weekend! The Predators went into Friday night knowing they would be facing the undefeated Red Wings twice in three days and they were up to the task! Friday's game was a war and well fought on both sides with the victory going to the Red Wings 6-4. The Red Wings showed why they were undefeated, answering each goal scored by the Predators with one of their own. I've sensed a change in momentum over the last month with the Predators and I could tell they didn't like the taste of this defeat.

Then came Sunday and an even better game! The Predators jumped on the Red Wings fast, taking a 3-0 lead at the end of the first period. The Red Wings showed once again why they are undefeated and fought their way back to a 3-2 deficit. From that point on, it was a true nail-biter! With seconds left in the game, the Red Wings pulled their goalie and were pressing hard in the Predator's zone but the Predators hung in there and the game ended with the Predators handing the Red Wings their first loss of the season! 4-3

Wednesday night will be the Predator's last game and the Playoffs are coming this weekend! It looks like it will be the Predators vs. Bullies on Saturday to determine who makes it to the finals. See you at the rink! I'll be there, can't miss this one!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Dateline: April 27, 2008

An odd one to say the least! Rain all day Saturday and Saturday night meant little hope of getting this early 11:00 a.m. game in. Coach Wolfe had received word that the pictures had been cancelled and sent out a late email that the game had been cancelled as well. Of course no one got the email and like the true warriors that they are, they showed up ready to play, along with the other team! Only Coach Wolfe knew the game was cancelled and so they sat at home like dopes, late for their own game! A mad rush to rink and finally everyone was there, and what a game! Evan Rankin filled in at Goalie for the Predators during the first period and did a great job. The game was like a heavyweight fight. One team would score, then the other team would come right back. Justin Helou lit up the net 4 times for the Predators, a clear breakthrough game for the crafty forward! Adam Abrahams added another 3 goals and Eric Wolfe topped it off to make it a 8-7 victory for the Predators. What a game!

After the game I tried to get some comments from Coach Wolfe but I overheard him saying he had not been able to shower and decided it was best to wait for another day.

Next game? Friday night baby! 6:30. Be there!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Dateline: April 23, 2008

After a wet weekend and all games postponed, the Predators took the rink tonight and looked like a hockey team for a couple periods! Five different players scored at least one goal and they were moving the puck around like a hockey team should. Then the 3rd period came and they seemed to forget the plan. Good penalty killing and a good power play helped secure the win tonight. We'll see if they can keep up the good work this weekend. Coach Wolfe didn't have alot to say but I was able to manage one quote.

"Improve each week as a team and we'll be there in the end."

Well after a 4 game losing streak, the Pink Predators are now on a 3 game winning streak! I can see a huge battle coming this weekend when they play the undefeated Red Wings. I know I'll be there!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Dateline: April 18, 2008

The Predators are on a 2-game winning streak! Ok, they're 2-4 so far but lets look at the glass half full...ok a third full! Don't look now but they looked like the light bulbs went on over their heads last week and the fact they are able to get a practice in this week could be more good news for these pink predators. Rumor has it Coach Wolfe will be wearing the jacket again this week, but when asked if he was superstitious, he cautiously stepped over the crack in the concrete, straightened his cap, checked his socks and said "No, I was cold."

Great goaltending and gutsy play seem to be the mantre for this team. Lets see if it can continue. Well, I better head out to try and find my car. See you at the rink!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Dateline: March 28, 2008

Well the Predators have had a rocky start so far having lost their second game and a rainout for their third game. This weekend is their chance to get back on track since they will be playing two games, one at high noon on Saturday and one at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. Hope to see you all out there cheering those kids on!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Dateline: March 9, 2008

Well excitement was in the air this past Sunday as the FCRHL Spring season kicked off! The 13u rosters are overflowing with players and it was good to see so many kids signed up. The Predators took the rink looking a bit ... pink! I'm not sure if the owner of the franchise made this decision or maybe it was the fact Coach Wolfe was the last coach to show up for the 13u draft and was given the honor of wearing pink. Either way, the Predators had a full squad and looked a bit 'green' as they recorded their first loss of the season 10-5. I can see the talent there though and I'm sure those pink Predators will get back on track soon!

Puckhead Mcbride -- FCRHL beat reporter

Last Game
Loss (4 - 6) at Red Wings View
Date: 5/18/2008 12:00p
Location: FCRHL Arena At The WARF
No league summary available

Red Wings record: 11-1-0
Predators record against Red Wings: 1-4-0

Next Game
Sorry, no more games scheduled

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