
Rep Ball Hockey  >   Refund Request

Rep Ball Hockey Refund Request
Welcome to the online refund request area. You may request a refund here if you registered online thru Sportability.

Due to credit card regulations, we can only process a refund to the exact card that was used at the time of registration. If the card you originally used is no longer valid, you will be issued a refund check and receive it in the mail at the address on file.

To complete the refund request, you must have the following information ready:

  • Name of the participant, coach or team, as entered at the time of registration
  • Approximate date of the original registration
  • Amount paid at the time of the original registration
Note: All this information can be found in the confirmation email sent after your original registration

HMBHL Note: Refunds are done there each teams own centre and not from this website. Please contact your local office for more info.

Begin by choosing Player, Coach or Team below based on your original registration. For example - if you originally registered a player and paid a volunteer deposit and subsequently served as a coach, you should click Player Refund below.


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