Ice Station  >   2018 Spring/Summer Season - LEVEL 3 DIVISION  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
8/5/2018 CHAOS Kenneth Alexander pd (6) Major Fighting/Game Misconduct 8/12,8/19,8/20: 3 Games
Pd: $15
6/24/2018 CHAOS Kevin Walker pd($317.50 +$15 Fine) (44) Third Man In/Game Misconduct 7/1/2018: 1 Game
Due: $15
5/7/2018 CHAOS James Whiteley pd (88) Fight/Game Misconduct 5/13,5/20 + 1 Game: 3 Games
Pd: $15
8/5/2018 PREDATORS Cody Drees pd($15 Fine) (27) Major Fighting/Game Misconduct 8/12,8/19 +1: 3 Games
Due: $15
6/24/2018 PREDATORS Ahmad(KJ) Javaherpour pd (6) Removal of an opponent's helmet/Game Misconduct 7/1/2018: 1 Game
Pd: $15
5/6/2018 PREDATORS Ryan Rice pd (15) Fight/Game Misconduct 5/13,5/20, 6/3: 3 Games
Pd: $15
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid