Polar Ice-Chandler  >   Int B Fall/Winter 2000  >   Goalie Statistics

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Goalie Statistics
# Player Team GPRecordShotsSavesSv%MinGAGAA
1 31 - D Corey - G Outback Steakhouse 13 10-2-1 290 265 0.914 585 25 1.923
2 30 - K Rudy - G Vital 12 6-6-0 338 286 0.846 540 52 4.333
3 43 - A Theis - G Slugs 17 8-7-2 501 424 0.846 765 77 4.529
4 00 - D Schutt - G Chili Peppers 16 7-8-1 437 359 0.822 720 78 4.875
5 J Druyon - G Regulators 11 1-10-0 313 231 0.738 495 82 7.455
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