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Greenville County Rec  >   Adult D League - Fall 2021  >   Overall Goalie Statistics

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Overall Goalie Statistics
# Player Team GPMinShotsSavesGAGAASv%Record
1 Christopher Bower Pylons 2 102 50 43 7 3.500 0.860 1-1-0
2 00 - Scott Kohler Growler Haus 9 459 211 182 29 3.222 0.863 6-3-0
3 James Rash Oilers 10 510 180 156 24 2.400 0.867 6-4-0
4 Randy Thompson Rangers 8 408 287 249 38 4.750 0.868 1-7-0
5 James Rash Oilers 2 102 47 41 6 3.000 0.872 1-1-0
6 30 - Nick Hubble The Dudes 8 408 288 254 34 4.250 0.882 3-5-0
7 27 - Ian Long Chiefs 3 153 63 56 7 2.333 0.889 3-0-0
8 Ron Januchowski The Dudes 2 102 27 24 3 1.500 0.889 1-1-0
9 Garrett Foran Pylons 5 255 196 175 21 4.200 0.893 1-4-0
10 Ronald Januchowski Avenger Stars 9 459 283 253 30 3.333 0.894 4-5-0
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