Washington High School Boys Lacrosse  >   2021 WHSBLA Varsity  >   Player Statistics (League Games Only)

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Player Statistics (League Games Only)
1 22 - Funk, Tommy Sehome 4.71 24 9 37 5.29 7
2 10 - Hoppis, Jacob Sehome 4.70 35 12 31 3.10 10
3 11 - Krusniak, Jackson Sehome 3.80 14 5 17 3.40 5
4 17 - D'aoust, Aghi Sehome 1.90 9 10 66 6.60 10
5 2 - Bell, Sam Sehome 1.67 15 0 19 2.11 9
6 12 - Quinn, Luke Sehome 0.90 5 4 44 4.40 10
7 21 - Huntley, Hayden Sehome 0.80 6 2 7 0.70 10
8 9 - Dew, Jackson Sehome 0.60 3 3 28 2.80 10
9 27 - Dirks, Banning Sehome 0.50 5 0 7 0.70 10
10 14 - Malo, Max Sehome 0.30 3 0 60 6.00 10
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