Greenville County Rec  >   Box Lacrosse Summer 2019  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team GPGPenPIM
1 13 - Alex Boehmer Mann 8 3 1 2
2 4 - Bennett Carpenter Mann 8 0 0 0
3 16 - David Dubose Mann 8 5 0 0
4 5 - Will Hazelhurst Mann 8 8 0 0
5 Brandon ingle Mann 8 4 0 0
6 12 - Thomas Lewis Mann 8 7 0 0
7 18 - Stuart Lockhart Mann 8 8 0 0
8 6 - Drew Lombel Mann 8 11 0 0
9 17 - Jon Lombel Mann 8 12 0 0
10 11 - Sam Maronick Mann 8 11 0 0
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