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RMU Island Sports Center  >   18 3ON3 PW Tier 2  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team GPStar
1 00 - Brayden Dawson The Knuckleheads - 4th 10 0
2 66 - Lochlan McCullough The Knuckleheads - 4th 10 0
3 76 - Xander Chorey The Knuckleheads - 4th 9 0
4 49 - Eli Davidson The Knuckleheads - 4th 9 0
5 99 - Al Gatto The Knuckleheads - 4th 9 0
6 0 - Brayden Mitchell The Knuckleheads - 4th 9 0
7 10 - Lilly Relyea The Knuckleheads - 4th 9 0
8 95 - Nate Butschle The Knuckleheads - 4th 8 0
9 9 - Will Gronsky The Knuckleheads - 4th 8 0
10 16 - Adel Schnitgen The Knuckleheads - 4th 8 0
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