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Pitcher Statistics
# Player Team GPIPPCPPI
1 Wesley W Cubs 7 20.32 281 13.83
2 Santana S Cubs 8 11.00 171 15.55
3 Walker T Cubs 6 8.66 164 18.94
4 eli H Cubs 8 8.32 200 24.04
5 Hank E Cubs 5 8.00 145 18.13
6 Beckett V Cubs 6 7.66 174 22.72
7 Gil'i Z Cubs 7 7.33 128 17.46
8 rafi L Cubs 6 7.00 110 15.71
9 Marco M Cubs 6 6.33 118 18.64
10 oliver H Cubs 3 4.00 26 6.50
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