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SFAHL  >   B Div Fall/Winter 2014  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team PtsGAGPPtsPGPenPIM
1 7 - Thomas Reinholm Scrappers 19 10 9 12 1.58 2 4
2 6 - Brandt Jewell Scrappers 14 9 5 9 1.56 2 4
3 22 - Sylan Peter Scrappers 13 3 10 8 1.63 4 8
4 21 - Patrick Fortier Scrappers 11 6 5 9 1.22 1 2
5 16 - Scott Schulman Scrappers 8 2 6 10 0.80 0 0
6 4 - Cody Wright Scrappers 8 4 4 10 0.80 6 12
7 25 - Rick Friday Scrappers 6 5 1 6 1.00 2 4
8 91 - John Quick Scrappers 6 2 4 9 0.67 2 4
9 2 - Cal Kennedy Scrappers 5 1 4 9 0.56 2 4
10 66 - Andrew Hailing Scrappers 2 0 2 7 0.29 0 0
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