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Dulles SportsPlex  >   Winter Season 08-2009  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team PtsGAGP
1 22 - Tarn Jones Cryptic Stench 17 7 10 8
2 99 - Brad Moore Cryptic Stench 16 10 6 9
3 2 - Jack Lockerby Cryptic Stench 12 4 8 8
4 17 - Mike Kelly Cryptic Stench 11 10 1 5
5 7 - Mike Conroy Cryptic Stench 10 4 6 5
6 00 - Jim Pugh Cryptic Stench 5 2 3 4
7 9 - Marc Dinardo Cryptic Stench 3 1 2 3
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