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SCAHA  >   2005/2006 Bantam A  >   Schedule

Schedule Filter

Date Time  Gm Teams   Location
Sun 9/11/2005 10:20a   4004 (Pra) Gulls 1 and Wild(1) 4 Riverside Icetown
Sat 9/17/2005 2:55p   4010 (Pra) Gulls 0 and Wild(2) 1 Riverside Icetown
Sun 9/18/2005 3:30p   4039 (Pra) Cal Selects 14U 1 and Gulls 2 Iceoplex Escondido
Sat 9/24/2005 6:00p   4033 (Pra) Gulls 1 and Dragons 2 Bakersfield Ice Sports Center
Sun 9/25/2005 12:30p   4022 (Pra) Wolves and Gulls Iceoplex Escondido

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