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Schedule Filter

Date Time   Teams   Location
Tue 6/4/2019 8:30p   GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 4 at PINK LADIES (IWA'S TEAM) 2 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 6/11/2019 8:30p   GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 6 at CHERRY BOMB (NANCY'S TEAM) 4 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 6/25/2019 7:30p   GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 3 at PINK LADIES (IWA'S TEAM) 2 West Covina (west rink)
8:30p   GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 3 at CHERRY BOMB (NANCY'S TEAM) 4 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 7/2/2019 8:30p   PINK LADIES (IWA'S TEAM) 2 at GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 4 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 7/9/2019 8:30p   GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 3 at CHERRY BOMB (NANCY'S TEAM) 7 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 7/16/2019 8:30p   CHERRY BOMB (NANCY'S TEAM) 5 at GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 2 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 7/30/2019 7:30p   GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 2 at LINDA'S TEAM 3
West Covina (west rink)
Tue 8/6/2019 8:30p   PINK LADIES (IWA'S TEAM) 3 at GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 4
Game originally scheduled for Jul 30 2019  8:30PM West Covina (west rink)
Tue 8/13/2019 8:30p   (Pla) LINDA'S TEAM 4 at GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 0 West Covina (west rink)
Tue 8/20/2019 8:30p   (Pla) GREEN AF (CORINA'S TEAM) 3 at CHERRY BOMB (NANCY'S TEAM) 2 West Covina (east rink)

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Game Rescheduled  This game has been postponed
Makeup Game  This is a makeup game