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Printscape Arena at Southpointe  >   2009: April Volleyball A League  >   Playoffs

Tournament Game Summary
Gm Home Away Location Date Time
#1 MATT (bye) -- -- --
#2 BP Ballers X-Factor Indoor Volleyball #1 7/16/2009 7:45p
#3 Sox Bombay's Ballers Indoor Volleyball #2 7/16/2009 6:45p
#4 Smooth Operators Just tell me where to stand Indoor Volleyball #1 7/16/2009 6:45p
#5 MATT X-Factor Indoor Volleyball #1 7/23/2009 8:15p
#6 Sox Smooth Operators Indoor Volleyball #2 7/23/2009 8:15p
#7 MATT Smooth Operators Indoor Volleyball #1 7/23/2009 9:15p

Tournament Brackets
MATT #1  ]  
BP Ballers 0 #2  ]  
X-Factor 3
Sox 2 #3  ]  
Bombay's Ballers 1
Smooth Operators 3 #4  ]  
Just tell me where to stand 0
MATT 2 #5  ]  
X-Factor 0
Sox 0 #6  ]  
Smooth Operators 2
MATT 0 #7  ]  
Smooth Operators 2
Smooth Operators