RMU Island Sports Center  >   12 Winter Adult Ice - D West  >   Player History

John Herrington (G)
Team Savage Bliss Pos
Jersey 35 Notes

Stats as a Player
Sorry, no games played as Player

Stats as a Goalie
1/22/2012 (W vs The Brigade) 1 60 W 2 2.000 0 0 0 0
2/22/2012 (W vs The Hosers) 1 60 W 4 4.000 0 0 0 0
3/7/2012 (W vs Kristas Cantina) 1 60 W 2 2.000 0 0 0 0
3/12/2012 (L vs Narwhals) 1 60 L 5 5.000 0 0 0 0
3/18/2012 (W vs Evil Shenanigans) 1 60 W 2 2.000 0 0 0 0
Regular Season Totals as a Goalie: 5 300 4-1-0 15 3.000 0 0 0 0