NOLL/SOLL  >   2000 Sr American  >   Notices

Date Notice
6/22/2000 Sr Am AllStars are now practicing. Good Luck !
6/17/2000 Congrats to Jeff and SrAm Champion Mariners !
6/2/2000 NOLL-SOLL Night at the A's vs Giants
6/2/2000 Start-time is 605pm - BBQ before - Fireworks after
5/21/2000 Photo makeup day: 8:30am May 21 at Willard
4/14/2000 Marlins win second night game
3/31/2000 Season kickoff - Pelicans vs Reds under the lights
2/12/2000 Tryouts and Draft
2/5/2000 All 8 teams will make the playoffs this season
2/5/2000 The schedule is now set - good luck to all teams