RMU Island Sports Center  >   07 Spring Adult Inline E  >   Message Board

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brian g.
 5/21/2007 5:32:00 PM
Two players looking for a Summer team.
Preferably B, C, D level.  1 forward and 1
defense, but can play anywhere.  Reliable,
will make most if not all games.  10+ years
playing.  notasolution(a)hotmaildotcom or


Rich Doyle
 4/27/2007 9:16:00 AM
I am looking for a team this summer to play for. I am willing to play in C,D,or E levels. I currently am the captain of a team in the spring D league but I will be losing too many players due to college guys going back home for the summer and other things so I will need a team and could possibly find one or two additional players if need be. best way to reach me is thru e-mail richdoyle13@yahoo.com