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nollsoll fan/player
 6/11/2006 9:13:00 PM
Sorry, in the twelfth line of my message below I said that the Osprey parent confronted the Osprey coach, I actually meant the Scrapper coach.
nollsoll fan/player
 6/11/2006 9:09:00 PM
Hi I attended the Scrappers game versus the Osprey. Despite a great game played by both teams, I was disgusted with the behavior of the Osprey players and parents. It started when the Scrappers coach decided to intentionally walk their star hitter. That was when the Osprey bench started shouting "let him play!" and then a wave of "boo's" started. After the batter had taken first, everyone had calmed down and the game went on. It was the second time this batter came up that really ignited the Osprey crowd. After he was intentionally walked a second time, a sickening cry of "boo's" were shouted not only from the Osprey players, but also the Osprey parents! Not only is this a vulgar display of poor sportsmanship, it also showed the ignorance of the Osprey parents for not understanding the strategical value of an intentional walk. But the moment that really broke the "camel's back" was when an infused Osprey parent ran over to the Scrapper's dugout and quoted that the Osprey coach had no testicles, in an enraged tone. I think that this man and his son should be banned from the league because this behaviour is way beyond inappropriate for ten, eleven, and twelve year olds.
Mike Anglin - Field Coor
 2/21/2006 12:22:00 AM
AAA FIELD WORK PARTY - This Saturday Feb.
25, 9 am
OAB & Caldecott (Report to your teams
practice location)
Bring Gardening Tools, gloves, kids.
If you signed up for Field Crew this is the
day to report.