Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2012-13 Girls 4th Grade  >   Locations

Location Directions
Alameda Boys & Girls Club
   1900 Third Street
   Alameda, CA  94501
The new Boys and Girls Club is located at the east end of Brush St. behind the playground for Woodstock Child Development Center on Third St. Third Street/Mosley Ave. is two stop lights west of Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway (Atlantic Ave.) from Webster St. The intersection of Third St. and Brush St. is one block south of Appezzato Parkway. At the end of Brush St., turn left and go between the buildings and on to the playground for the former Woodstock Elementary School. The Club is to the right at the other side of the playground. Please do not park on the fire lane near the Club.
  Note: This table only includes locations used for AYB 2012-13 Girls 4th Grade (Basketball)
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