NOLL/SOLL  >   2000 Sr American  >   Locations

Location Directions
Front Caldecott
   6900 Broadway
   Oakland, CA  94601
Located at the North Oakland Sports Center.
Take Hwy24 to Tunnel Road, last exit before the Caldecott Tunnel. The exit will bring you back towards Oakland on Broadway. Field will be on your left at the stop light.
King Middle School
   1781 Rose St
   Berkeley, CA  94703
Field is located at Martin Luther King Middle School, which is located on Rose between Sacramento and MLK.
Willard MS
   2421 Derby St
   Berkeley, CA  94705
Field is located on the corner of Telegraph and Derby in Berkeley - across from Andronico's
  Note: This table only includes locations used for 2000 Sr American (Baseball)
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