NOLL/SOLL  >   2001 Sr American  >   Locations

Location Directions
Bushrod 1
   61st St
   Oakland, CA  94609
On 61st between Shattuck and Racine. Take Telegraph Ave. to 60th St. Turn left (west) on 60th, go one block to Racine and turn right, then turn left on 61st. Enter the parking lot from 61st.
Bushrod 2
   Racine and 60th St
   Oakland, CA  94609
At intersection of Racine and 60th St., near Telegraph. Take Telegraph Ave. to 60th St. Turn left on 60th, go one block to Racine and field entrance.
Willard MS
   2421 Derby St
   Berkeley, CA  94705
Field is located on the corner of Telegraph and Derby in Berkeley - across from Andronico's
   350 El Cerrito Ave
   Piedmont, CA  94611
Nr. Piedmont High School:
From 580 take Grand Ave. Exit, left on Grand Ave., right on Wildwood Ave., left on Magnolia, right on El Cerrito Ave. straight to parking lot and field.
  Note: This table only includes locations used for 2001 Sr American (Baseball)
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