Ice Station  >   FallWinter04-05 PEEWEE  >   Misc League Info

MINI MITE League Rules
2008/09 Fall/Winter Mini-Mites Hockey Program

The primary goal for our participants in this League is to have fun as well as develop their hockey skills in a league atmosphere.

a) Each team will play with three skaters and one goaltender. A total of four for each team. Goaltender equipment is available from the Ice Station Hockey Dept.for use. It is advised to rotate players on the team for all to experience the goalie position.

b) There will be three 12-minute stop time periods after a three minute pre-game warm-up.

c) The first team to reach 5 goals will initiate the clock to be reset to 0 starting a new game to begin immediately. This process is repeated until all three 12 minute periods have been exhausted. Player statistics are not maintained to de-emphasize the competitive nature of the game.

d) For a typical penalty infraction, a penalty shot is awarded. A stopage of play will occur after each goal is scored,resulting in both teams facing off at center ice.

e) Equal play for all players is encouraged for skill development and confidence.

f) Offsides: The red line at center ice is used to regulate offsides in both directions. A player can precede the puck over the red line but cannot receive a pass from a teammate accross the line.

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