SFAHL  >   Spring 2003 'B' Div - FAHL  >   Misc League Info

Robert Payne Darroch
To all FAHL players:

I am very sorry to inform everyone that a friend and team-mate here at Yerba Buena passed away last night during an A Division game due to natural causes.
Robert Payne Darroch a.k.a. "D Train" was survived by his parents and his older brother and sister all of whom reside back east. In memory of Rob, we are going to have all the games for this next week start with a "moment of silence".
Next Wednesday A Division games will be cancelled and we will have a special Pot Luck Dinner Memorial from 9:30pm-? in Rob's memory here at the rink. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me (Mike Donnelly/Hockey Director). All are welcome as I know Rob was well liked in the hockey community around the Bay area.

For 3 seasons, Rob played on our San Francisco "A" Div team, the Screamin Willys, which is made up of Yerba Buena Ice Skating Center employees and friends.

I do want to give special thanks to DJ Nader (Operations manager), Eli Groban (Suicidal Tendencies A Div) and Mary Owen (Official A Div) for doing the very best they could by giving Rob C.P.R. until the paramedics arrived. I also want to send thanks to the paramedics as well as the rest of YB's staff, all the players on both Suicidal Tendencies and the Screamin Willys and the second official for their added support during this difficult time.

We will miss Rob dearly.

In Loving Memory,
Robert Payne Darroch
8/3/67 - 5/7/03

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