Ice Station  >   Spring2002 Squirt 3 ON 3  >   Misc League Info

Rules for 3 on 3 Hockey on the Pond.
Offsides: There is only a red line at center ice. It will be used for offsides in both directions. A player can precede the puck over the line. He/she cannot receive a pass across that line however. If you pass to a player on your team across the center red line the puck must first be touched by the goaltender to avoid an offside call.

Penalties: For typical penalty infractions, a penalty shot is given out. If a player incurs 4 penalties in a game, that player will be required to sit out the balance of the current game.

Time of Games: Each game consist of three 15 minute periods. The time will be running time with the exception of the last minute of each period.


The first team to score 5 goals is declared the winner and receives 2 points. Immediately play continues into the second game. The cycle continues until the 45 minute regulation is exhausted.
Whoever is leading in the final game at the end of regulation will be given a point.

Pucks leaving the ice surface:
If the puck hits the mesh above the boards and stays in the rink, play continues. If the puck goes over the boards, possesion of the replacement puck goes to the defending team.

Coaches: No more than 2 coaches are allowed on the bench.

No Slapshots allowed.

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