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BASH Ref Sheet

These are NOT all of the rules (duh). (Just so you know, some of these rules differ from those used in the NHL).
How to Call a Game: Use common sense. BASH is a not a non-contact league, however full-blown checking is not tolerated. Draw the line early with a few calls to set the tone, then let them play. The emphasis for penalties should be on stick fouls and heavy bodychecks near the wall. Do not call ticky-tack fouls. (Referees will have $5 deducted off their league fees for every game reffed).
Communication: When goals are scored or penalties are called, commune with the players to make sure you have the goals and assists right, then relay the info to the scorekeeper. Make sure the scorekeeper is filling out the scoresheet properly (keeping shots on net) and that he shouts out the time in the period every 3 minutes or so. Don't take anything personally and don't bait the players.
Positioning: One ref on each side of the ice. One ref at center-ice to watch for offsides and to watch play away from the ball (in front of the net and stragglers coming back from the other zone); the other ref near the goal-line in the defensive zone. A good ref is always ready to quickly alternate positions when the play changes zones. There should always be one ref deep and one ref at center-ice.
Ball hops over the Border Patrol by accident: The faceoff is held at the closest faceoff dot back where the ball was originally launched (unless it was deflected by the opposing team). On a ball that goes through/behind the Border Patrol, the faceoff is held at the closest faceoff dot.
Closing your hand on the ball: If a player grabs the ball midair and does not drop it immediately to the ground in front of him in one continuous motion within the framework of the body, the whistle will be blown and a faceoff will ensue. If he throws the ball forward, or manipulates the ball in the air, blow the whistle.
Faceoffs: (a) If the ball deflects off the defender inside his own blueline, the faceoff is inside the zone at the deflected spot, or at the faceoff dot if it was deflected within 5 feet. If it deflects off the attacking player in the offensive zone, the faceoff comes outside to the neutral zone. (b) The faceoff takes place on the side where the play originated from, not where the ball is frozen by the goalie or where the ball goes over the wall.
Hand-pass: A player may bat the ball to a teammate with his hand in the defensive zone only. If a player uses his hand to advance the ball and the pass ends up beyond the blue line, or if a hand-pass is initiated in the neutral or offensive zones, the ref will raise his hand to signal a delayed hand-pass call. If a player on the offending team is the first to touch the ball, a whistle will be blown and the faceoff will be in the perpetrator's zone; if a player on the opposing team touches it first, the ref gives the washout signal and play continues.
Highsticking: (a) A non-penalty highstick happens when a player makes contact with the ball over his shoulder and a player from the same team touches it first. The ensuing faceoff is in the perpetrator's zone. When the highstick first occurs, the ref raises his hand to signal a delayed highstick call. If an opposing player touches it first, the call is nullified and the ref should give the washout signal. (b) If a player knocks a ball that is above the crossbar into the net, it is no goal and the faceoff is held outside the zone.
Icing: The ball must be dumped from above an imaginary line drawn through the defensive zone faceoff dots, or else it's a potential icing. The ref in the defensive zone (where the ball was dumped from) should raise his arm to indicate if it is a potential icing, or wave it off if it was dumped above the dots. The ball must cross the goal-line (not hit the wall) for it to be an icing. If a reasonable effort isn't made by the retrieving team on a playable ball or if the ball passes through the goal crease, the second ref (near center-ice) should wave it off. If it is an icing, the second ref should confirm by raising his arm, and then blowing his whistle since he has a better vantage point than the first ref.
Kicking the ball into the goal: If the ball is intentionally directed into the goal with any part of your body other than the stick, the goal will be disallowed. If the ball deflects off of a player into the goal, without him intentionally redirecting it at the net, the goal stands. If a player uses a 'distinct kicking motion' to direct the ball into the net, it is no goal.
Minor: [2-minutes]. A double-minor is two consecutive 2-minute penalties.
Major: [5-minutes]. This is for a careless highstick (include a game misconduct) or for a player that throws a full-blown punch (include a match). Also called for attempting to injure (include a match).
Misconduct: [10-minutes]. There are 2 types: (a) a regular misconduct; (b) game misconduct [10-minutes and ejection] A game misconduct is added to major stick fouls and major checking from behind into the wall penalties. Any substitute can serve penalties that may have been assessed on top of the misconduct (minor, double-minor or major), and also serve the game misconduct as the original player is ejected.
Match: [Ejection]. A player who throws a full-blown punch will receive a major-match-one game suspension. Any subsitute player can serve the penalties as the original player is ejected. 10 minutes is charged to the official record for the match penalty, but is not served. Only the major and any other penalties should be served by any substitute player.
Checking from behind: If a player checks another player from behind into the wall, it is a minor. If the check into the wall is excessively violent, the perpetrator receives a major-game misconduct.
Delay of game: If a player purposefully dumps the ball over the Border Patrol, give both teams a warning. The next time it happens, issue a minor.
Fighting: If a player throws a full-blown punch, he receives a major-match, and is suspended for the next BASH game. If, later in the season, he throws another punch (even in the playoffs), he will be suspended for the rest of the season. If it was not a full-blown punch, but rather a 'swipe' of some sort, (the referee will decide intent) then a double-minor will be called.
Highsticking: A minor for dangerous play highsticks (when a player swings his stick up, over, and around another player's head); a double-minor for accidental highsticks that connect up high (regardless of blood); and a major-game misconduct for careless highsticks that connect up high.
Interference: (a) a minor penalty for interfering with, or impeding the progress of, an opponent who is not in possession of the ball; or, deliberately knocking a stick out of an opponents hand; or preventing a player who has dropped his stick or any other piece of equipment from regaining possession of it; (b) a minor penalty for interfering with the play from the bench or from the penalty box; (c) a minor penalty for entering the crease and impeding the goaltender's movement. Any goal scored in this instance is disallowed. If the player was pushed into the crease by the defenseman, there is no penalty, and a goal scored on the play will count.
Slashing: A two-handed slash (whether it connects or not), is a minor penalty. Slashing the stick with two hands is also a minor. A major-game misconduct is assessed to a particularly violent slash.
Unsportsmanlike conduct: . If you are verbally attacked by a player, give him a warning and a chance to shut his trap. If he persists, assess a minor penalty. If he continues, give him a misconduct. If he DOES NOT RELENT, give him a game misconduct. If both teams are being a pain, warn the captains that "the next guy to open his yap is gonna get a penalty - no more warnings." If what is origionally uttered is completely VILE, dole out an immediate misconduct to the player (no powerplay).

"I'll spell out the penalty serving situations. I'll use NHL players (Sharks vs. Kings) as examples so as not to inpugn the character of anyone I actually know." - Dave Rogahn

Minor on Owen Nolan (SJ); Major and Minor on Matt Johnson (LA):
5 minute (major) power play for Sharks. Nolan returns on first whistle after 2 minutes. Another King must serve Johnson's major and returns after 5 minutes. Johnson returns on the first whistle after 7 minutes.

Minors on Matt Johnson (LA) and Rob Blake (LA) at the same time:
On the ensuing 5-on-3, the Sharks score. Who returns? The captains of the Kings decide which penalized player returns.

Minor and major on Matt Johnson (LA):
Penalties are served consecutively. The major penalty is served first. Thus, Johnson must serve his entire 5 minutes regardless of whether the Sharks score. If the Sharks score after the major has elapsed but during the minor, Johnson returns.

Minor and major on Matt Johnson (LA); major on Ronnie Stern (SJ):
Immediate (minor) power play for Sharks. Another King serves Johnson's minor and returns after 2 minutes or when the Sharks score a PPG. Stern returns on the first whistle after 5 minutes. Johnson returns on the first whistle after 5 minutes after the end of the minor penalty.

Minor penalties on Rob Blake (LA); and Mike Ricci (SJ):
In BASH, we have never played 4-on-4 on coincidental minor penalties. Both teams stay at full strength. Blake and Ricci may return to the bench on the first whistle after 2-minutes have passed. Stop time.

Double minor on Rob Blake (LA); minor on Mike Ricci (SJ):
Immediate 2-minute powerplay for the Sharks. Kings put another (any) player in the box to serve a 2-minute penalty. So Blake and this other King are in the box. If the Sharks score, the other King is free and Blake begins serving the second 2-minute penalty. If the Sharks don't score, the other King is free after 2-minutes and Blake begins serving the second minor. Ricci is out on the first whistle after 2 minutes. Blake is out on the first whistle after the 2nd penalty is over (after 4 minutes, or if the Sharks score on the 'second' powerplay). Stop time.

Double minor on Rob Blake (LA); minors on Owen Nolan (SJ) and Bill Houlder (SJ):
Here the penalties on Blake are served concurrently (not consecutively). Which means both teams play at full strength. Nolan and Houlder may return following the first whistle after two minutes. And though the teams will be at even strength after 2-minutes, Blake must wait for the first whistle after four minutes. Stop time.

Major on Matt Johnson (LA); minor on Owen Nolan (SJ):
The teams play 4-on-4 for two minutes, at which time Nolan would return. Then the Sharks would have a 3 minute powerplay. The powerplay runs a full three minutes, regardless of how many goals are scored, because it is a major penalty. Stop time.

10 minute misconduct on Matt Johnson (LA):
Johnson is off until the first whistle following 10 minutes. The Kings are not shorthanded. Running time.

Bench minor on the Sharks:
Any Shark can serve the penalty.

Goalie's penalties:
Must be served by any player that was on the playing surface when the infraction was called.

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