Ice Station  >   2006SpringSummerAdult Level II  >   Misc League Info

2019-2020 Fall/Winter Season:

Team Representatives:

If you need a replacement goalie for a regular scheduled game, please contact the following substitutes:

Cassidy Cecott Level 5 (262) 666-0934
Dennis Shaylor(G)Level 3,5A (760) 995-6012
Matthew Tracey Level 3,5 (661) 839-7053
Josh Silberman Level 4,5 (310) 710-3669
Alex Pastor Level 5 (612) 819-7004
Don Berryman Level 4,5 +35 (805) 910-9310
Aaron Schwartz Level 3-4 (406) 240-1932
Joe McElroy Level 4 &5 (714) 767-0512
Justin Lewis Level 5 (310) 489-4543
Benjamin Santiago Level 5 (661) 492-0676
Luigi Fernandez Level 5 (818) 523-4367
Henry Holguin Level 5 (818) 497-1357
Todd McLeish Level 4, 5 (818) 356-3525
Raphael Davalon, Level 4, 5 (661) 644-8260
Jeremy Visutsiri Level4, 35+ (818) 480-8944
Joe Moya IV - V (661)860-6646
Kurtis Wagner Level 4 - 5 (818) 269-0476
Derek Starks Level V (661) 886-9576

James Morales Level II/IV (310) 694-4955
Kasey Morris Level IV/V (661) 547-7679
Christian Kramer Level III (661) 644-3565

Additional contacts will be added to this list thoughout the season.

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