Aldrin Elementary PTA - After School  >   WEDNESDAY: ATC (Artist Trading Cards)   >   Main Camp Page

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Date(s) Jan 22, Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26
Location(s) Art Room
Description The BIGGEST trend in art is very small. Artist Trading Cards (or ATCs) are an awesome way to start an art collection without investing millions of dollars. Artists all over the world are CREATING-CONNECTING-COLLECTING- through miniature works of art. Join Mrs. Steinmetz for a six (6) session class to jump start your ATC portfolio.
- Brought to us by Aldrin Art Teacher, Ms. Steinmetz

Grades 3-6 | 6 classes | Wednesdays 3:55 - 4:55 | Minimum 8 / Maximum 15 students | $58