Jack London Youth Soccer Sports - Camps & Clinics  >   JLYSSL Coaching Clinic -U10-UP Aug 27 @AP 6:30-8PM  >   Main Camp Page

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Date(s) Friday Aug 27th, 2010 6:30-8:00PM
Location(s) Alameda Point - http://www.bayoaks.net/fields/alameda.html
Description The JLYSSL league provides a Coaches Clinic for coaches for all U10 AND up coaches.

Coaches will learn "How to run an age-appropriate practice" and get some key tools to make their practice fun, but more importantly it will allow the coaches to teach their players the right skills for their age-group.

Sessions will be run by JLYSSL Coaching Director Glenn Van Straatum and Bay Oaks SC Technical Director Peter Hayton.

Coaches from all JLYSSL clubs are invited.