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NOLL/SOLL  >   2005 Juniors (Sr American)  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Padres 1 at Pelicans 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/4/2005 1:00p Padres
Location Front Caldecott Pelicans
Game Type Playoff
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Michael Costello
Base Ump 1: David Bluhm
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
After some careful scheduling manipulations, this game went off shortly after 1pm, with both teams having all their (healthy) players in uniform and ready to go.

Docto Feelgood gave up a booming RBI triple to MattL in the first, and MattL looked to make it stick. The Pels sent just 6 players to the plate thru two innings, and it looked like a long, low scoring game was in the offing. In the bottom of the third, tho, the Pels rallied around a dropped third strike. After the mistake gave the Pels an extra out, they sandwiched 4 singles around a walk to put a crooked 4 on the board. The big hit was a two-run single by Killer Kyle.

The defensive star of the game was Coolhand Luke, who threw out 2 wouldbe base stealers with darts to 2nd base, and the Pels defense played nearly flawless ball.

Feelgood gave the Pels 4 innings and then handed the ball to Deuce. Deuce struck out 2 in each of his 3 innings, and the Pels tacked on a few insurance runs to close the game a scant 90 minutes after it started.

Padres Notes:
No notes